How do I Quit?

Group Cessation Classes

Student Health Services offers a free 6-week class led by a “Quit Smoking Now” facilitator and is open to all members of the UCF community, including students, faculty, staff, family members, and more. This class includes free nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), such as gum, lozenges, and patches.

To find out when the next class is starting, email Classes are offered on an as-needed basis.


Student Health Services

Medical providers at the Health Center can assist those who would like to quit smoking with the aid of prescription cessation drugs, if appropriate. Call 407.823.2701 to schedule an appointment to discuss your goals and options.


Tobacco Free Florida

Tobacco Free Florida offers a variety of cessation services and resources that are free and open to the public:

  • Phone Quit: Call Tobaco Free Florida at 1-877-U-CAN-NOW (1-877-822-6669) to speak with a trained Quit Coach® who will help you assess your addiction and create a personalized quit plan. You’ll have access to a Quit Coach® 24/7.
  • Web Quit: Web Quit is a free online resource that gives you access to tools and tips to help you quit tobacco. Many people prefer to quit on their own and Web Quit can help. Web Quit is a proven approach that creates a personalized quit plan that you can follow at your own pace and in private. You’ll have access 24/7, to be able to track your progress, read blogs, and share your story if you’d like.
  • Tools for Quitting: Tobacco Free Florida offers additional tools to help you quit on your own, even if you aren’t interested in phone, web, or group quit services. These include email tips, a downloadable Quit Guide, and a 2-Week Starter Kit (NRT Medication), which provides free nicotine replacement patches, gum, or lozenges to help you quit tobacco. (*if medically appropriate and 18 years of age or older).

Visit for more information.

Group Quit

In partnership with Tobacco Free Florida, the Florida Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) program has two types of courses to help you quit: single session (meeting once) and multisession (meeting once a week for several weeks). They will provide you with the valuable tools you need to help you quit tobacco. The program is always free and open to the public. For more information, visit or call 877.848.6696.

Smokefree TXT

SmokefreeTXT is a mobile service designed for young adults across the United States. SmokefreeTXT was created to provide 24/7 encouragement, advice, and tips to help smokers stop smoking for good.


Smokefree QuitGuide is a mobile app designed by tobacco control professionals and cessation counselors, with the help of ex-smokers and experts to help smokers prepare to quit smoking and support them in the days and weeks after they quit.

Smokers Anonymous

Smokers Anonymous is a self-help smoking cessation group that uses the principles and 12-step method of Alcoholics Anonymous as the basis for its program.

Smoke-Free Campuses Guide

Tobacco Free College CampusesResources, Tools and Support to Keep Students Healthy at School